Franchise Entertainment Research, Inc. — FranchiseRe — provides movie box office intelligence to the film industry. Our expertise is wide release movies.
We are best known for our FranchiseRe weekend movie industry newsletter, which has the best box office information available anywhere.
The newsletter is widely-quoted throughout the industry and is available to the public. You can see it here, and if you’re interested, you can receive it for free here:
Our readers are studio heads and streaming bosses; award-winning filmmakers, artists & Academy members; production, marketing & distribution leaders; top agents & talent managers; the best journalists; entertainment investment professionals; and movie lovers.
You will find our work discussed regularly in The New York Times, Variety, Associated Press, The Times of London, and Agence France-Presse, et al.
This is how the movie business does it.
There’s more background on the pages listed above.
Here is what our colleagues and the press say about the FranchiseRe newsletter: